
We use Engrade, an online grading program, that allows students and parents to access grades at any time.


1. What's my access code?  
It is attached on the "notes" page of your child's agenda.  If not, I have the access code.  Just email me for the information.

2. What's my user name and/or password?  
Sorry, but I don't have this.  You would have made this yourself upon registering.  If you have forgotten either of these, you should contact Engrade.  My advice is the have a list of usernames and passwords by your home computer so you do not run into this problem.

3. Why is there a blank space where a grade should be?  
This means your child was absent or out of the class during the assignment.  A student has 2 days to complete an assignment.  When it is not, the blank becomes an "m".  It may also mean they are not finished with the assignment - this pertains to students who receive extended time (ESOL or ESE students).

4. Why is there an "m" where a grade should be?
This means the assignment is missing.  There are many reasons why an assignment is missing.  The most common are: the student did not turn in the assignment, the student didn't put their name on the assignment and has not claimed it on the "No Name" board.  I will always accept late work for partial credit before the end of each quarter.

5. Why is there an "e" where a grade should be?
This means your child was excused from the assignment.  Reasons they may be excused is if they were absent during the activity and it isn't something they can make up (like a lab, discussion, or participation activity)

6. Why is there an "ec" where a grade should be?
This was an extra credit assignment.  If it is blank, it does not count against their grade. 

7. Why did my child have a score greater than 100%?
Your child either earned extra credit or the assignment was out of a total number greater than 100.

8. How are the grades computed?
The grades are weighted in the following manner:
  • Tests/Projects 35%
  • Quizzes 25%
  • Classwork 20%
  • Homework 20% 

9. What is the grading scale?
     90-100% = A
     80-89.9% = B
     70-79.9% = C
     60-69.9% = D
     0-59.9% = F

If you have further questions, please email me :)

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