This week all students will participate in Broward County's Benchmark Testing (also know as BAT). These assessments in Reading and Math will provide all stakeholders with information about each student. Once the results are shared (usually in January), we can identify strengths and weaknesses to drive instruction before the FCAT in April.
There is no "preparing" for this test as it is solely to identify each student's current level BUT, please consider the following:
- Students should have ample sleep
- Students should NOT come to school sick (Friday is a makeup day) - scores are better when students are working at their optimum potential
- Students should eat a healthy breakfast - protein is great brain food ;)
- Students should NOT engage in any serious family conversations (i.e. illness of family member, divorce, etc. unless necessary)
- Students should refrain from engaging in "arguments" with siblings or family members
- Parents should give pep-talks NOT threats
Again, this just a snap shot of each student's current levels. When we receive the data, we can move forward. In the meantime, make sure your child is reading for enjoyment (including nonfiction like magazines) and practicing math in daily life situations when possible.
Summyr Siegel