Below is some clarification for two of tonight's assignments. One is a Social Studies Project and the other is the Writing Worksheet.
Tonight the children have a Social Studies project to finish at home. Projects are worth the same weight as tests (35%) so if they choose not to do this, their grade will be effected greatly. I explained the assignment and the children started it in class.
On page 37 of the Social Studies book (see below) they are to follow the check list to complete the display map of Florida. I went through each part and wrote which page they can use to find help. If your child forgot their book, they will need to rely on the Internet.
Here is page 37. One thing that is NOT explicitly stated that IS in the illustrated example, is that each "region" of FL is colored. That is a nice touch ;)
Here is one I started with them in class. They are to finish it using the checklist on page 37. This part is taped at the top on the panhandle and the northeastern part of FL so it will fold up.
Here is the under part of the FL map. This is glued onto the blue paper. Students are to write what they learned in Unit 1.
Also, students were to write three introductions from some a pulled from last Friday's writing prompt. All three had mistakes. The first just has spelling and grammatical mistakes. The other two have structural mistakes. They need to rewrite these introductions.
The 4th grade model introduction goes like this:
It doesn't take much thought for me to figure out who is special to me. That's easy! It's my mom because she takes me to great places and helps me with anything.
The parts that are crossed off are the parts that change depending on the prompt. On Friday the students were asked to write about why they like school. So where is says "who is special to me", the student writes, "why I like school". Then they are to look at the three student samples on the worksheet they received to fill out the two reasons why the writer likes school. Also, they need to correct the spelling and grammar.