Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Math 4.4

Dividing tens, hundreds, and thousands by while numbers through 10. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Math - Table of Contents and lesson 3.2-3.3

Since the students are having their quarterly notebook checks, one asked if I could post my Table of Contents.  So here is what I've got thus far.  The only thing that may be different is if they have different page numbers.  In Math, we always begin the objectives, etc on the left and notes on the right.  Next quarter, I will be checking that this is done because it helps them stay organized.

Also, here are the notes from today's lesson - I know many of you don't understand this math and you want to teach your child YOUR way - really they need to know both.  We will get to the traditional method in Lesson 3.5.  But until then, put on your thinking caps and try to learn a new way ;)  you may even find them useful for mental math.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mental Math 2.8

Today's homework requires NO work. Yes, I said no work. This is a mental math page and children were taught a few strategies to use. See our notes from today:
Your children may use a pencil and paper strategy to check their work if they wish.